Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Well tomorrow is the big day. We are selling Clyde and Star. Clyde is my Tennessee Walker and Star is Blazes 2 yr. old Filly. The 3 of them are always together in the Field they have shunned poor Sierra. Sierra belongs to Carl Osborn but he lets me keep him while I am at home. Clyde and Star love to chase Sierra and Mazie all the time. Now they can chase each other. I have been working with Sierra for a few weeks riding him in the round pen. So now the big question is how will Blaze respond to being left behind? Will she be calm and want to be near me at this point? She will pass me in the run way when I open the stall door. I have touched her 4 different times but never rubbed her or really had any real contact with her. She is bred to a jack so I need to get her tame before the baby is born. The sad thing is it's almost time to go back on the road. Why can't I be rich so I can stay home and play Cowgirl.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

just get rid of the all untill you retire and can stay home with them. Maybe they wouldn't be wild if you were home with them all the time or actually hired someone who gives a damn and will actually do the job you hired them for.

Or....... just go play bingo and win some money then you can stay home and play Cowgirl.