Friday, February 9, 2007

Why is it that the days fly by so fast? I see my life as a book in the wind. The pages are turning so fast that if one would blink it would be next year already. Didn't I just get home for Thanksgiving? Then why is it almost Valentines day? I guess I have to really start thinking about work again. Everybody knows how much I love what I do and the fact is I am really really good at it. Everyday when I get up the first thing I look at are the bluffs and listen to the nothingness. I can sit for hours on the porch and look. I think that Jim and I have the perfect lives. We love each other and have a great respect for each others ambitions in life. Jim is going to Mississippi to do a job . It is a demo and build back. Which means you tear down what is there and make new walls for another store to go in that space. I nudged him to do this. I think he needs some time with just the guys. He is so content to be with me all the time that some times I feel like I need space a moment alone. Not have to worry about breakfast or lunch whats for dinner. Is all the laundry caught up? This will be the perfect time to remodel the R.V. I need new carpet for the bathroom and kitchen. Got to get it ready to go on the road again. Plus with him working I can spend a little bit to doll it up

1 comment:

Alexis Jacobs said...

Good luck at the remodeling job. You should post before and after pictures :-)